“Every time I’ve been, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself and my understanding and love of God has been deepened and enriched.”
— Nicole, Auckland
“This conference is really good for anyone wanting to learn how to read the bible properly for themselves or for someone who is involved in leading bible studies.”
— Joshua, Christchurch
“Loved the Bible study method we learned! I’ve used that method several times leading a small men’s group and also in my own study time. I have also had a couple of opportunities to teach God’s Word and have used the same method to prepare for those.”
— Victor, youth worker, Hastings
“After Equip I was asked to lead a small Sunday bible study for year 7-9’s. I felt satisfied that I could prepare a study that could challenge the children and would lead to good discussions.”
— Elaine, kids church volunteer
“Using up leave is certainly costly. But no one else is doing anything quite like this on a conference scale. You’ll be spiritually refreshed, up-skilled in handling God’s Word, and relationally plugged into a network of leaders.”
— Matthias, Bible college student
“Equip is the most important and beneficial conference run in New Zealand. You learn how to read and understand your Bible well. You can use these skills in your personal time in the Bible, as well as 1-to-1 discipleship and leading bible studies.”
— Sam, pastor in Auckland
“Our people come back from Equip better equipped to serve, with a greater desire to serve, feeling more confident to serve. It’s a blessing as a minister to have your people go to it and come back ready and raring to go.”
— Jay, minister in Christchurch
“Equip is a brilliant week of faithful, encouraging and challenging teaching that sets our perspective up rightly for the start of another year. It’s also full of lovely people keen grow as Christians. One of my favourite times of the year.”
— Jane, women's worker
“The work in strand groups is the standout difference from other conferences. By having to work on a Bible teaching project themselves with plenty of support and teaching along the way, each individual was able to learn so much more than if they’d simply listened to talks from the front. The result is that the lessons go in really deep.”
— Vaughan, UK pastor and author
“Equip is a conference that has a track record of focusing on the core things - making disciples of Jesus who trust God’s Spirit to use His Word to grow lasting fruit. So much of what passes for Christian ministry is impatient quick fixes built on slogans and marketing, but not developing deep convictions and long term formation. This is a conference that under God could build a movement for real impact on this country. Let’s pray God is merciful to us.”
— Nick, pastor in Christchurch
“If I had the choice of only one conference to send young and old to, it would be Equip. Equip does exactly what it says it does - it equips people. It teaches people how to study the Bible correctly with a view to applying it to their lives and also to teach others also. It is brilliant. This is why churches I have pastored have subsidised folk to go. As a result of Equip, leadership in the church is developed and God’s Kingdom grows. Come along and try it out, you will not be disappointed. ”